Management Forms
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Click on the heading to open a new window to the appropriate form on the management company’s or this web site. Close the window to return to this page. All forms are submitted to the management agent, McShane & Associates.
Work Order Request
For routine service please use the new secure work order request instead of calling. If entry is required to your unit, please give us additional instructions.
Go to the new work order system
Old System: Click here. Describe the work you need done in the “Details” box. Once your work order request is submitted, you will receive a confirmation within the next business day.
If you are experiencing an EMERGENCY, please phone the office during normal business hours at (248) 855-6492. After normal business hours, please call our Emergency Answering Service at (248) 456-0233.
Architectural Modification Request (To print an Architectural Modification request, click here)
Use this form to apply for an architectural modification or addition. Once submitted, your request will be forwarded to the Association Board for approval. If approved, you will need to sign the actual “Architectural Approval Form.” before any work can begin.
Grounds Alteration Request (To print a Grounds Alteration request, click here)
Use this form to apply for a grounds alteration. Once submitted, your request will be forwarded to the Grounds Committee for review and possible approval. If approved, you will receive an approval notification from the management company.
Report a Bylaw or Rule Violation (To report a Bylaw or Rule Violation, click here)
Please use this form as an alternative to reporting a violation by phone.
Update Owner Information (To Update your information, click here)
Use this form as an alternative to phoning us with information changes/updates. Please let us know about: change of address, mortgage company changes, new tenant information, etc.