Other Committees
Back to homepageBudget/Audit Committee
The Budget/Audit Committee Chairperson is the Treasurer. This committee works with the Management Agency in developing the annual budget and makes recommendation to the Board of Directors in compliance with By-Law restrictions, rules, regulations and policies.
This committee functions on an “ad hoc” basis and is assembled based on the needs and discretion of the Treasure and the Board of Directors.
Bylaws Committee
The goal of the By-Laws Committee is to review the By-Laws periodically and make update recommendations to the Board of Directors. The current operating procedures of the Association are governed by the By-Laws.
The proposed changes in the By-Laws submitted by the committee will be reviewed by the Board and the Association Legal Advisors. A recommendation for approval or disapproval will be presented to the co-owners for a vote. Sixty-six and two-thirds percent (66 2/3%) of the co-owners must approve the proposed change for the By-Law to be adopted.
Golf Outing Committee
We usually have 2 golf outings each season during the months of June and September. Reservations are made at the new Farmington Hills Golf Course on 11 Mile Rd. west of Halstead Rd. Watch the newsletter or notices at the mail station for details on specific dates, times and other information.
Lighting Committee
The Lighting Committee is responsible for insuring all exterior garage lights are functioning properly. This committee is also responsible for all common area lighting, e.g. street lights, mail station lights, etc. Burned-out lights and defective fixtures will be replaced as soon as possible.
Newsletter Committee
The goal of the River Pines Report Newsletter is to communicate the Association activities to the co-owners. The Newsletter Committee consists of a Newsletter Editor that is the Chairperson for the committee. The other members of the committee participate in writing articles, typing, proof reading, taking the complete newsletter to the printer and preparing the printed documents for mailing. A Newsletter will be published seasonally and referred to as the Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall Newsletter.
Social Committee
The goal of the Social Committee is to promote a feeling of community by providing an opportunity for co-owners to meet one another and have a good time.
Some of the events scheduled in the past have included a Spring luncheon, monthly breakfast, Fall dinner show and December Holiday dinner.
Sprinkler Committee
The purpose of the Sprinkler Committee is to monitor, adjust and oversee minor repairs to the lawn sprinklers in order to maintain a beautiful landscape for the co-owners. The committee consists of a Chairperson and several “block captains” that monitor the sprinkler performance in their assigned area. This committee is also responsible for monitoring the Waterfall at the 9 mile road entrance to the Condominium site.