Garage/Estate/Moving Sales

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The following restrictions apply before and during the Annual Garage Sale or Estate and Moving Sales:

  1. Annual Garage sale date: 2nd Friday and Saturday of June (except Estate & Moving Sales).
  2. Daily time: 9AM to 5PM.
  3. Signs are limited to give traffic direction to sale location.
  4. Signs to be located at street corners to direct traffic and at sale location driveway.
  5. Maximum sign size is 24” by 24”.
  6. Advance written Board approval is required for all sales other than the Annual Garage Sale. The request must identify the dates sales will be conducted. Such events will be restricted to Thursday, Friday and Saturday and limited to (1) weekend.

Note: If any sale is conducted at any other time the co-owner will be considered in violation of the above Rules and Regulations and a violation notice will be issued and/or other appropriate enforcement action taken.